If you ring 999 complaining of coronary or respiratory problems, an ambulance will be despatched as well as, if appropriate, the Over First Responders. This village-based service, run by MAGPAS (the emergency medical charity for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough - www.magpas.org.uk) and well supported financially by fund-raising, is now entering its sixth year. A bit like insurance, you hope you never need it, but you’re glad to know it’s there, just in case!
The First Responders is currently a team of three – Ann the Co-ordinator, with Dave and Ellie, the Responders. Dave told me that their role is to ‘sustain life until the ambulance or other help arrives’. Many lives have already been saved by the prompt arrival of the Responders with their equipment.
The team would love to hear from anyone interested in joining them. If you are over 21 and under 70 and have even one hour a week to spare, contact Ann on 01954 230115 for more information. No medical knowledge or experience is required – you'll be provided with excellent training and support – and your one hour could be a lifesaver!