Monday, 7 September 2009


When Christine, Liz and Wendy circulated a flyer (see left) inviting anyone interested in forming an AmDram Society to attend a meeting in the Church Hall on 16 February 1984, they could surely not have imagined that 25 years later The Over Players (TOPs) would be putting on three productions a year, including a traditional Christmas panto, whilst still retaining 15 of the original members.

The amount of work and dedication required for each production is amazing, from scripting, production, rehearsals, back-stage and front of house, and already in September the first production meeting has taken place for the TOPs’ 2009 panto, ‘Peter Pan’. Considering that last year’s sell-out panto ‘Sleeping Beauty’ won a regional award, look out for more information in the Over News and make sure you book your ‘Peter Pan’ tickets early!