Tuesday, 29 September 2009


When Mary heard about the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning - an event now being held annually across the country and in several other parts of the world to raise money for Macmillan cancer support - she wanted to get involved, having, like many of us, lost someone dear to this disease. She says: ‘I was going to do one from home but I took the opportunity to make it bigger and organised it in the Town Hall, with a lot of help from my friends’.

Last Saturday Mary organised her fifth Coffee Morning, assisted by her team of willing helpers. Starting at 10 o’clock, coffee and cakes were provided for a donation of £1. There was also a raffle, tombola, and home-made cake stall, so plenty to spend your money on and add to the total raised. Lots of people came to enjoy the refreshments, the chat and laughter, and support this very worthy cause. With donations still being received, the amount raised currently stands at £340, a steady increase on previous years. Well done, Mary and helpers, who put so much time and effort into organising this event.