Born in Marietta, Georgia, USA, the eldest of four children and son of a cotton farmer, Dick joined the US Air Force at the age of 18, serving as an aircraft mechanic, then as First Sgt, in charge of 600+ personnel. His time in the USAF took him to all parts of the world, including active service in Vietnam. He retired from the Air Force in 1975.
In 1976 Dick and his wife moved to Over. He retained connections with the USAF, working in a civilian capacity at RAF Alconbury, finally retiring in 1988 due to illness.
Refusing to let health problems get him down, Dick still has a twinkle in his eye and a wicked sense of humour. He loves to travel, and has seen most of England, and has returned often to the States to visit family. Perhaps because of his roots, he has a particular love of country & western and jazz music.